
Managed Website Plus

One complete package, one fixed price, unlimited service

$497 one-time setup. $247 per month.


A Website Service guaranteed to attract visitors,

generate leads and grow your sales!

At Fast Website Launch we create your website, your online storefront, to be the  center of your digital universe. Your website is the focal point of all your other marketing activities.  It’s the anchor, the foundation, the glue that holds everything together. Any investment you make in online marketing be it advertising, social media, or search optimization has got to start and end with your website. That’s just the way it works, and we make sure it works well.


Mobile friendly

Fully responsive, which means all your pages look great and convert your visitors no matter the device.

Homepages that tell a story

From top to bottom engaging homepages tell your story, and convert your visitors to action.

Built on WordPress and WooCommerce

Having your website on the world's leading CMS ensures your site is simple to edit, loads in a flash and is easy for the search engines to find.

Detailed analytics

We set up Google Analytics right so you always understand how your website is performing and what your visitors are doing.

Sell anything, anywhere

From physical products and digital downloads to subscriptions, set up an online store to sell worldwide.

Secure and reliable

Our site & stores adhere to WordPress's top coding standards, and are kept secure and up-to-date. We work around the clock to ensure your site and store remain safe.

Landing page platform

We can build and manage optimized landing and thank you pages to aid with your inbound marketing campaigns.

SEO optimized

Code that search engines love: microformats, easily crawlable site architecture, meta data optimized by our team of SEO experts.

Website Features

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How will you help bring more traffic?

Although we can't make guarantees, our clients often see a strong increase in organic and overall traffic after switching to Pronto. With the Managed Website Package, we do this by improving your website's SEO and making it more visible in local business directories. We have other premium add on services including link building and email newsletter designed to bring even more traffic to your website. Read more how we help bring traffic.

What do you do to differentiate me from my competitors?

We don't use rigid templates or themes. Our website platform allows us to create customized designs to share your unique story. After you go live, if you ever find a competitor has a similar website we can work with you to change it until you're satisfied.

How long does it take until I go live?

Most sites are up and running in 4-6 weeks. Some take a little longer, depending on how many revisions are requested and the complexity of the project. Our recommendation is to go live as soon as you can and make changes later. The Managed Website Package allows you to make unlimited number of changes so you have plenty of time to get it right.

What happens if I cancel?

There are no contracts - you can cancel at anytime. If you have been with Pronto for twelve consecutive months or more, when you cancel your subscription, you can take all website content, blog articles, graphic designs, web page layout and rendered HTML/CSS. We do not however provide the underlying WordPress theme code, plugins or database files.

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