The FWL Non-Contract

How We Communicate

The majority of our project communication will be via email; our email address for the project is

To keep communication clear, we have found it is much more efficient to work with a single, primary contact from your organization. It is up to this single contact to provide project updates and details to the rest of your team if this is required.

Before the project begins, we’ll have a combination of emails, phone calls and Skype meetings to get everything out on the table and develop a project plan.

Once the plan is rock solid, we will setup a weekly status session to let you know how we’re doing, verify that everything is on schedule and make sure we have what we need from you so we can keep moving forward.

If you need to communicate with us, the best way to do so is via a short email to so we can keep all project details in writing. For anything that will take more than 5 minutes to explain or understand, we can defer it to our next weekly session or arrange a quick Skype or phone call.

Before We Begin

To get started, we need a few very important things:

  1. The initial invoice to be paid and this proposal / contract to be signed below
  2. All of the content you can contribute to be used for the project including photos, text content, list of pages, etc.
  3. Your logo and brand guidelines. (If you do not have these we will create them)

Content is essential and we need to review everything that will be used in this project before we get started. This includes all of your text content, photos, pages and anything that will be used as part of the project.

To receive your content, we’ll invite you to share a Dropbox or Google Drive folder so you can send us all files and we can keep it organized together.

You guarantee that all elements of text, images or other artwork you provide are either owned by you or that you’ve permission to use them.

If the content is not of high enough quality, such as poorly worded pages and low-quality photos / images, we will advise you that the content needs attention and we’ll agree to proceed with what we have or replace it with higher quality content.

Our work on the project will not begin until we receive all required content and this content is organized clearly in the Dropbox or Google Drive folder.

Feedback & Revisions

Once we’ve worked our magic and created your design, we’ll make it available for your review and feedback.  We’ll provide instructions on giving us feedback on what we send you.  We need your feedback in a timely manner so we can keep the project on schedule.

A round of revisions is a single email that includes all of the changes you need performed.  We’ve discussed your objectives for your new website’s look and feel and we’re confident we can provide you with a site you’ll love.

Go Live

Once the site has been created and approved, the site will be published and then we’ll celebrate the success of the initial launch!

At this point we’d love to get your feedback and a testimonial from you so we can share the success of your project via our website.  We’d also love to show off our work and share what we’ve learned with other people so we reserve the right, with your permission, to display and link to your project as part of our portfolio and to write about it on websites, in magazine articles and in books.

Website Care

We are very passionate about providing ongoing results and benefits to our clients - this is our key goal and your website care service is designed to do just that.  Your website care service includes services tailored to your needs; the basic plan includes:

  • the design and content required to represent your company in the best light
  • reliable website hosting
  • 24/7/365 email support
  • detailed analytic monthly reports
  • website security and monitoring
  • website software and utilities updates
  • website content additions – text, images, galleries
  • documentation and knowledgebase

Final Thoughts

We aim to make your project experience as effective and enjoyable as possible so we can continue to have a great business relationship. If at any time you are unsure of what is happening with our project or you just want to give us some feedback, we would love to hear from you.

Project Deliverables - our work and timing

  • Design Your Site – Based on our discussions, we will create a design for the site (layout, look and feel, colors, ) and share it with you. Using our development framework, we will complete the Website with your photographic images and text content that you’ll provide for us. The site will include an attractive home page, gallery pages of your photographs, information about you and your work, client testimonials and a contact page. The site will be built with responsive design techniques, meaning that the Website media and typography will automatically resize for optimal viewing on any desktop or mobile device.
  • Search Engine Optimization – We will apply on-page Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques and register the site on Google and Bing. We’ll also do keyword research for your line of business and include up to three popular search terms for each page to enhance your site rankings.
  • Photographs and Graphics – We’ve talked about the look you want for the site. If appropriate, any stock photography costs will be paid by you directly, whether from web-based collections or our stock photo library.  We’ll get your approval before committing to any expenses on your behalf.  At this point, it does not appear that there will be any additional photograph and graphics costs.
  • Interactive Components - the Website will include a contact page where the visitor can fill their contact information in a form that will be emailed to you. Any user information entered in the contact form is saved in the website.
  • Social Media Integration – Your site will be connected to any popular social media accounts you may have. We will assist you in setting them up if they don’t exist.  We’ll include social sharing buttons so your visitors can share your content on their social media feeds.
  • Email Program Integration - We will integrate your contact forms with a MailChimp account so you can gather your visitor’s email addresses to send them a newsletter with current topics, reminders, etc. If you do not have a Mailchimp account we will help you set one up.
  • Documentation – The website administrative area includes video step-by-step guidelines showing you how to add to and update the site content including the galleries and the static content on the informational pages.


During the course of delivering the services described here, each party may disclose confidential information to the other party. Each party agrees to use reasonable efforts to protect the other party’s confidential information from unauthorized disclosure and shall use such confidential information solely for the purposes of performing its obligations in the project.

The Un-Fine Print

The Website will be developed using industry standard tools for website development.  We make no warranties regarding the operation of these third party tools. Subject to our obligation to protect your confidential information, we are free to re-use any materials developed by Fast Website Launch in the course of using these tools and providing the services.

Just like a parking ticket, you can’t transfer this contract to anyone else without our permission. This contract stays in place and need not be renewed. If for some reason one part of this contract becomes invalid or unenforceable, the remaining parts of it remain in place.

Although the language is simple, the intentions are serious and this contract is a legal document under exclusive jurisdiction of New York courts.

Either party may terminate our agreement for cause on written notice in the event the other party breaches its obligations and fails to correct such failure within 30 days of receiving written notice. Chris Dei Photography may terminate our agreement for its convenience by giving Fast Website Launch written notice.

Your Investment

We will implement your website service as described above for the investment of $497.00 plus the monthly care plan of $247 per month. This includes the software license fees for the necessary website components.

We’re sure you understand how important it is as a small business that you pay the invoices that we send you promptly. As we’re also sure you’ll want to stay friends, you agree to stick tight to the following payment schedule:

  • $497 payable upon agreeing to proceed,
  • $247 payable when the site goes into production i.e. “Go-Live”

We've streamlined the billing process to make it as hassle-free as possible.  When you site goes live your monthly Care Plan subscription will be activated and your account will be billed the $247 each month.

There is no contract so you can terminate the service at any time.